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  • Writer's pictureSamira Yasmin

10 Ways to Beautify Your Home Without Spending a Penny

1. Don't bring items into your home in the first place. Save yourself the hassle, money, and effort down the line. Unless something brings you serious utility, furthers your talents, or honestly and seriously improves your life - leave it where you found it.

2. Keep surfaces relatively free of stuff; it'll make cleaning easier. Less is more! Your house will be cleaner the fewer spaces and stuff there is to accumulate dust.

3. Schedule weekly cleaning regimens and incorporate one deep clean activity weekly. Some things you can do: Clean your windows, dust the tops of your kitchen cabinets, scrub bathtub grout lines, check for any mold growing in window sills, sweep outdoor patios, and wipe down your blinds.

4. Donate to the Goodwill monthly - take some time each month to clear out any drawers, closets, and hidden spaces and look for items that have been neglected or not used in a while.

5. Clean out your freezer, fridge, and food cabinets. Look for expired foods, and wipe down the inside of the refrigerator.

6. Organize your clothing drawers - refold your clothes into categories to make every item visible. Take a few moments to organize hanging items in your closet as the seasons change.

7. Oxyclean all your whites and highly used fabric. Towels, sheets, shower curtains, and throw blankets.

8. Make your bed every morning. Put away any clothes that might have accumulated on the floor that morning, and put your shoes away!

9. Groom your pets - the best way to reduce pet allergins is to keep your pets groomed and tidy.

10. Process your mail. Take care of any bills or outstanding items, shred any confidential paperwork, toss junk mail, and file away necessary paperwork.

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